What Sets Macro-Fueled Apart? 

Experience, compassion and a passion for helping you reach your goals. A coach that will be your Biggest Cheer Leader!

By going through a process called, The Reverse, we repair your metabolism and get it firing.  Once you’re in your maintenance phase you can have a higher caloric intake while maintaining a lean body composition.

Whole grain, nutrient dense foods are suggested, we’re all unique and what works for one person might not work for the next.  In this program you can eat whatever you want as long as it stays within the boundaries of your assigned macros. Who doesn’t love dessert?!

Your individualized Macro-Fueled program is created specifically for YOU! Coaching is done remotely, and we are happy to schedule live video meetings. The Macro-Fueled App provides you the capability

We offer 12-month, 6-month and 3-month customized coaching plans.


Once you establish a plan, your pricing will NEVER increase, as long as you don't have a break in your macro coaching plan.

What's stopping you from joining an Awesome team? Let's do this!!



‘Macro’ is short for ‘macronutrients.’ Macronutrients make up the food we eat. Macros are  proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and are where our bodies get their energy.

Protein - is an essential macronutrient. Protein builds muscle and helps regulate your metabolism. Your body uses more energy processing protein than other macros. Since it takes 4-5 times longer to process protein than carb’s or fat, you feel full longer. 

Fat – Fat gives your body energy, maintains healthy hormone balance, and supports cell growth. Fat also helps absorb some nutrients. 

Carbohydrates - carbs are the primary source of energy for your brain and muscles. Carbs provide quick energy, facilitate healthy digestion, and can support a healthy weight. Some types of carbohydrates also contain dietary fiber, which is good for gut health. 

For more information: Why are Carbs Important?

Water - is important to all body functions and processes, including digestion and elimination. It also acts as a weight-loss aid because it can help you eat less.


No. Our primary focus is learning to fuel your body with good nutrition. Having said that, by correctly fueling your body with healthy nutrients, you WILL have more energy. Many people in this program find they develop a new desire to work out. Physical activity can improve your health, increase the production of 'feel good' hormones like dopamine, and have long-term health benefits that can improve your quality of life.

It depends on YOU! Everyone is different and some people see changes right away.Others see changes after they have gone through phase 1 and are moving into phase 2 of the Macro Plan.  Our experience has shown people who are consistent and honest with the program become leaner, feel better and have more energy.

Yes! Your body processes alcohol as it would a fat, so if you plan on drinking alcohol, just work it into your plan. Simply calculate the fat by taking the total number of calories of alcohol in that drink, then divide by 9 to determine grams of fat.

We use the app “My Fitness Pal”.  You keep track of all the food you eat in the app, which you also use to enter your weekly macro goal. My Fitness Pal syncs with the Macro-Fueled app, and the data will then be loaded for your coach to help determine your macro goals for the week.

A reverse diet is exactly what it sounds like. The opposite of a diet or cutting calories. During a reverse diet, we slowly increase calories consistently to reset the body’s metabolism, balance out hormone levels, and get the body back to functioning at its peak. The ultimate goal of the reverse diet is to have your body and metabolism functioning at their optimal levels. You may or may not lose weight while reversing, but your body will change. 

Yes! Refer a client, get 1 month FREE!

If you refer a client, you receive 1 month of FREE coaching! They must successfully complete 3 months of coaching and you must still be an active client.

Make sure they mention you referred them.


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